Experience the depths of the sinister dungeons in the captivating game titled Shadows & Wealth, drawing inspiration from the acclaimed game Card Crawl. Assume the role of the Fire-Knight, engaging in intense battles against goblins, dragons, and various adversaries using a well-balanced 54-card deck. Your ability to devise effective strategies will determine your survival, and triumph will grant you access to formidable new abilities. Are you brave enough to seize immeasurable riches by conquering this abyss?
Harness the available resources to draw cards and vanquish enemies until the deck is depleted. Every turn replenishes the 4 slots on the game interface with new cards. Equip resource cards from your hand and backpack, subsequently confronting foes by casting spells, enduring direct damage, or deploying a shield to mitigate attacks. Collect valuable treasures along your journey and utilize the acquired gold to unlock an array of potent Ability Cards.